Friday, January 9, 2009

Well I'm happy to announce that Lake Arntson is back to Pond Arntson like it should be.

The night before last Adam stayed up all night making sure that the water pump was running. It ran out of fuel every couple of hours so he ended up with little sleep. At the time, the water was a fraction of an inch from breaking the foundation walls on the west side of the house, and was about a foot from the back door. We had moved most of our furniture up stairs and put the rest up on blocks to prepare for water to come inside the house.

We really thought we'd be flooded yesterday morning, but thanks to Adam that's as close as we got. Our water pump moves about 140 gallons of water per minute and we ran it for about 36 hours with the only interruption being to refuel it.

We have septic systems here, so they flooded and burned out one of the pumps. We have rarely flushed the toilets the last few days. We've been living the moto, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." Hee-hee. Today I WILL take a shower. I swear, I smell like a camel.

Drainage is pretty poor around our house anyway, but this was what we called the Perfect Storm: poor drainage, a foot of snow that melted and stayed on the ground as water, and the areas flooding with a full night of rain.

This spring we're going to do everything we can to put in real draining systems. The people who built this place blocked the drain gully next to the road to put in a semi circular drive way. Thanks dude. We feel that this is a huge reason for the lack of drain-ability of the standing water. (Boy, I'd really like to give that guy a piece of my mind. They really didn't do anything right here.)

All in all, it's been pretty exciting but in all honesty, I'm glad the excitement is over . . . well at least for a while, right?


  1. Jenn - there is a site where you can get free blog backgrounds that are REALLY fun and cool. Go to my blog at and click on the upper left hand corner to get there...

    Glad you didn't get flooded out!

  2. Glad your house stayed dry inside. Did your fish escape from the pond? Love .. Mom & Dad
